Nationalparks Austria Forschungssymposium 2022

Schutzgebiete begegnen der Biodiversitätskrise

Beim 7. Nationalparks Austria Forschungssymposium von 7. bis 9. September 2022 kamen mehr als 350 Teilnehmer:innen aus Österreich und Europa am Campus der Universität Wien zusammen, um über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung in Schutzgebieten zu diskutieren. Im Mittelpunkt der diesjährigen Fachtagung stand dabei die Biodiversitätskrise und ihre Folgen. Neben Vorträgen, Diskussionen und Postersessions waren auch Exkursionen in nahegelegende Schutzgebiete Teil des Programmes.



Ein internationales Team mit Franz Essl der Biodiversity Dynamics and Conservation Group veröffentlicht in 'Nature' erstmals eine Klassifizierung der Lebensräume der Erde - eine wesentliche Grundlage für deren dringend nötigen besseren Schutz.

Nachzulesen HIER


We are deeply shocked by the aggression of an irresponsible dictator against a democratic country and its people which appears to push back Europe into an apparently overcome epoch of its history. We stand with the Ukrainian people and all who suffer from this inacceptable assault. And we believe that the vast majority of Russians do not support this war, and we admire the courage of those Russian colleagues that demonstrate their opposition in public:

Franz Essl


Franz Essl from the Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research is amongst the 1% of the most cited researchers of his field. The ranking "highly cited researchers 2021" was published on November 16th by the Web of Science Group, a part of the data company Clarivate Analytics. For the analysis, all scientific publications between 2010 and 2020 were surveyed. Franz has already been included in the list of Highly Cited Scientists since 2018.

We congratulate Franz and his team for such an outstanding achievement!

Find here the ranking of all "highly cited researchers".