Wildlife, Values, Justice: Reconciling Sustainability in African Protected Areas

Duration: 2018-2024

Funded by the Robert-Bosch foundation

For hu­mans and wild­life, land is a sc­ar­ce re­sour­ce that gra­dual­ly de­gra­des through in­cre­a­sing de­man­ds for na­tu­ral goods. As a con­se­quence, loss of bio­di­ver­si­ty and eco­lo­gi­cal func­tions threa­tens to af­fect hu­man well-being. The In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­ven­ti­on on Bio­lo­gi­cal Di­ver­si­ty sti­pu­la­tes pro­tec­ted are­as as cor­ners­to­nes to coun­ter­act this trend. Howe­ver, due to ina­de­qua­te go­ver­nan­ce, low ef­fec­tiven­ess in terms of eco­lo­gi­cal and so­ci­al out­co­mes chal­len­ges the sustaina­bi­li­ty of many pro­tec­ted are­as. Thus, so­lu­ti­ons are nee­ded to im­pro­ve con­ser­va­ti­on and in­crea­se hu­man well-being in pro­tec­ted are­as.

This pro­ject will in­ves­ti­ga­te the­se glo­bal pro­blems through a ho­lis­tic view on pro­tec­ted are­as as so­ci­al-eco­lo­gi­cal sys­tems in two de­ve­lo­ping coun­tries of the glo­bal South that are im­portant for bio­di­ver­si­ty con­ser­va­ti­on: Zam­bia and Tan­za­nia. Over­all, the pro­ject will ad­van­ce our un­der­stan­ding of pro­tec­ted are­as as are­nas to na­vi­ga­te so­ci­al-eco­lo­gi­cal dy­na­mics towards
resi­li­ence and sustaina­bi­li­ty.


Contact: Jacqueline Loos