Bernd Lenzner, BSc MSc PhD
Bernd Lenzner
Winter term 2024
300205 VU Analysis of Ecological Data - univariate methods - (Data Analysis and modeling)
300367 VO Naturschutzbiologie - (Bereich Naturschutzbiologie)
Winter term 2023
300205 VU Analysis of Ecological Data - univariate methods - (Data Analysis and modeling)
300367 VO Naturschutzbiologie - (Bereich Naturschutzbiologie)
61 - 75 out of 75

Drivers of the relative richness of naturalized and invasive plant species on Earth. / Essl, Franz (Corresponding author); Dawson, Wayne; Kreft, Holger et al.

In: AOB Plants, Vol. 11, No. 5, plz051, 10.2019, p. 1-13.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

A Framework for Global Twenty-First Century Scenarios and Models of Biological Invasions. / Lenzner, Bernd (Corresponding author); Leclère, David; Franklin, Oskar et al.

In: BioScience, Vol. 69, No. 9, 09.2019, p. 697-710.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

The Global Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database. / Van Kleunen, Mark (Corresponding author); Pysek, Petr; Dawson, Wayne et al.

In: Ecology, Vol. 100, No. 1, e02542, 01.2019.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Introducing AlienScenarios: a project to develop scenarios and models of biological invasions for the 21st century. / Essl, Franz; Lenzner, Bernd; Courchamp, Franck et al.

In: NeoBiota, Vol. 45, 2019, p. 1-17.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

The changing role of Europe in past and future alien species displacement. / Lenzner, Bernd; Essl, Franz; Seebens, Hanno.

From biocultural homogenization to biocultural conservation. ed. / Ricardo Rozzi; Roy May; Terry Chaplin; Francisca Massardo; Michael Gavin; Irene Klaver; Anibal Pauchard; Martin A. Nunez; Daniel Simberioff. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2019. p. 125 - 135 (Ecology and Ethics, Vol. 3).

Publications: Contribution to bookChapterPeer Reviewed

Remoteness promotes biological invasions on islands worldwide. / Moser, Dietmar; Lenzner, Bernd; Weigelt, Patrick et al.

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), Vol. 115, No. 37, 11.09.2018, p. 9270-9275.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

The role of adaptive strategies in plant naturalization. / Guo, Wen-Yong; van Kleunen, Mark; Winter, Marten et al.

In: Ecology Letters, Vol. 21, No. 9, 09.2018, p. 1380-1389.

Publications: Contribution to journalShort communicationPeer Reviewed

Global rise in emerging alien species results from increased accessibility of new source pools. / Seebens, Hanno; Blackburn, Tim M.; Dyer, Ellie E. et al.

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), Vol. 115, No. 10, 06.03.2018, p. E2264-E2273.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Diversity, biogeography and the global flows of alien amphibians and reptiles. / Capinha, César; Seebens, Hanno; Cassey, Phillip et al.

In: Diversity and Distributions: a journal of conservation biogeography, Vol. 23, No. 11, 01.11.2017, p. 1313-1322.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Naturalized alien flora of the world : Species diversity, taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns, geographic distribution and global hotspots of plant invasion. / Pyšek, Petr; Pergl, Jan; Essl, Franz et al.

In: Preslia, Vol. 89, No. 3, 12.07.2017, p. 203-274.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Global hotspots and correlates of alien species richness across taxonomic groups. / Dawson, Wayne; Moser, Dietmar; Van Kleunen, Mark et al.

In: Nature Ecology & Evolution, Vol. 1, No. 7, 0186, 12.06.2017.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

No saturation in the accumulation of alien species worldwide. / Seebens, Hanno (Corresponding author); Blackburn, Tim M.; Dyer, Ellie E. et al.

In: Nature Communications, Vol. 8, 14435, 15.02.2017.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Naturalization of ornamental plant species in public green spaces and private gardens. / Mayer, Katharina; Maeuser, Emily; Dawson, Wayne et al.

In: Biological Invasions, Vol. 19, 2017, p. 3613-3627.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Discordance between morphological and taxonomic diversity: land snails of oceanic archipelagos. / Triantis, Kostas A.; Rigal, Francois; Parent, Christine E. et al.

In: Journal of Biogeography, Vol. 43, No. 10, 10.2016, p. 2050-2061.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

The general dynamic model of island biogeography revisited at the level of major flowering plant families. / Lenzner, Bernd; Weigelt, Patrick; Kreft, Holger et al.

In: Journal of Biogeography, 2016, p. 1 - 12.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

61 - 75 out of 75

Scenarios and Models for Biological Invasions: A Status Quo Synthesis

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

Jun 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Ein Blick in die Zukunft: Wie Szenarien dabei helfen biologische Invasionen zu verstehen und erfolgreiche Managementstrategien zu entwickeln

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

21 Mar 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Der Einfluss des (europäischen) Kolonialismus auf die Pflanzenwelt 

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

25 Feb 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

The Impact of European Colonialism on Global Plant Redistribution

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Filling the range: how propagule pressure shaped alien mammal’s distribution in Europe”

Lisa Tedeschi (Speaker), Franz Essl (Contributor), Bernd Lenzner (Contributor), Anna Schertler (Contributor) & Johannes Wessely (Contributor)

24 Jul 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Biotic lag effects - their role in conservation planning and policy implementation

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The decisions we take: Understanding biological invasion futures through scenarios

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The IAS assessment – an overview on identified management, governance and policy options

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The Impact of European Colonialism on Global Plant Redistribution

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Biological invasion scenarios: getting a glimpse of the future

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

13 Sep 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Biological invasions – the neglected driver in biodiversity scenarios

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Biological invasions – the neglected driver in biodiversity scenarios

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

A macroscopic view on biological invasions – past, present, future

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

Jan 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The option space of future alien species impacts: an expert based assessment

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

Sep 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The option space of future alien species impacts: an expert based assessment

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

Mar 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Towards Island-Specific Scenarios of Biological Invasions in the 21st century

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

Jul 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Remoteness promotes biological invasions on islands worldwide

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

Jan 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

A framework for global 21st century scenarios and models of biological invasions

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

Sep 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

What is the role of vacant niches for alien species establishment on isolated islands?

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

18 Jul 201622 Jul 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Spread it to the world! The global drivers of plant invasions

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

4 May 20166 May 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Ecological implications of flower color change in fertilized and unfertilized grassland over the past 150 years

Bernd Lenzner (Speaker)

29 Feb 20162 Mar 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

BioMonI: BioMonI: Biodiversity monitoring of island ecosystems

Lenzner, B., Vieira Borges, P. A., de Nascimento Reyes, L., Ah-Peng, C., Patiño, J., Zemp, D. C. & Essl, F.


Project: Research funding

Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research

Rennweg 14
1030 Wien
Room: 120