[MaGICLandscapes] Managing Green Infrastructure in Central European Landscapes

Runtime: 2017 – 2020

Funding: EU INTERREG Central Europe Programme


The project concentrates on how to identify, protect and enhance green infrastructure (GI) for the benefit of the environment and society. Green Infrastructure is a key strategy in the European landscape connectivity agenda aimed at reconnecting vital natural areas to urban hubs & restoring and improving their functional roles, such as flood protection, recreation and adapting to climate change. Thus, GI is an essential planning concept towards protecting Natural Capital and simultaneously enhancing quality of life though improved access to quality natural and semi-natural landscapes. Collaborating from the start with stakeholders, MaGICLandscapes will provide land-managers, policy makers and communities the tools and the knowledge, at different spatial levels, that they need to ensure the persistence of green infrastructure functionality and consequent benefits to society. The project will deliver an assessment approach that deals with all spatial levels across Central European landscape types. MaGICLandscapes will supply the tools for green infrastructure assessment at the transnational level ensuring cross-border green infrastructure is understood in a way that reduces mis-matched management approaches. It will provide territories with the means to assess functions of green infrastructure to guide planning and conservation approaches.


Thomas Wrbka

Florian Danzinger